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EDTS405 to EDTS423


EDTS405 Assessment in the Primary School                                                                                        10 cp


This unit deals with the construction and use of various assessment and reporting approaches that are applicable to the primary school. The unit emphasises the role of assessment in the teaching and learning process. Students will be given the opportunity to write their own assessment programs, apply them in real-life situations, and derive applicable meaning to the teaching-learning process that they manage.


EDTS407 Collaborative Consultation                                                                                                    10 cp


This unit is designed to develop students' skills in collaborating with staff and other members of their school community. The unit reviews the contextual framework of collaboration in relation to school change literature, special education and current educational policies and practices. The principles of collaborative consultation underpin any school collaboration but particular reference will be made to facilitating support networks and collaboration in the context of working with students with disabilities, learning difficulties and behaviour problems. For the unit effective collaborative consultation is defined as an artful science which requires the development of students' skills in both the art of facilitating human communications/ interactions and the science of applying an underlying body of knowledge to the teaching/learning process and to problem solving.


EDTS408 Current Issues: Special Education                                                                                         10 cp


This unit builds on aspects of special education that can be utilised in regular education as a process of developing learning and teaching strategies that incorporate supportive practice in the context of educational rights and opportunities for diverse learners. The ongoing development through research, practice and awareness of legislation and policies in special/inclusive education has lead to many changes in regular education in areas such as greater diversity of learning/teaching materials, procedures and strategies. The unit provides opportunities to investigate current philosophies, models, policies, learning strategies and issues in special/inclusive education.


EDTS415 Teaching and Classroom Management 1                                                                              10 cp


This unit is designed to introduce the skills to establish and maintain an effective learning environment. The focus is on the essential skills required by the beginning teacher in the classroom, employing a reflective and self-analytical approach. Classroom communication, questioning, explanation, demonstration, discussion, group work, an introduction to effective management and the process of planning learning segments are amongst specific areas to be included.


EDTS416 Teaching and Classroom Management 2                                                                              10 cp


This unit emphasises a variety of teaching strategies and builds on the basic teaching skills studied in EDTS415 Teaching and Classroom Management 1 moving more to mastering student-centred teaching/learning strategies. Prominent theorists of classroom management are studied in detail, models of curriculum design are investigated and the role of the teacher’s partnership with parents is explored.


EDTS417 Teaching Students with Special Needs/FXP                                                                         10 cp


An ongoing challenge for schools is how to meet the educational needs of every student. This challenge becomes more complex each year given the range of cultures in our schools and the national focus on improving student literacy and numeracy. In addition, there is a move towards a greater inclusion of students with disabilities, learning difficulties and/or challenging behaviours in regular classrooms. This move reflects a human rights perspective and is based on a social justice paradigm of equal educational opportunity within the regular classroom for all children. An inclusive school takes a non-categorical approach to students and is evaluated by the degree to which each and every student in the school is provided for and is successfully achieving. The aim of this unit is to develop students’ knowledge, understandings, and skills in creating inclusive classrooms and schools to effectively meet the educational needs of all students, with a particular focus on students with special needs.

As this unit incorporates either FXP or field-based learning, strong links are established between the theoretical components and class practices in school and community settings. The core principles, policies and practices in this unit are relevant to educating students with special needs in either primary or secondary schools. Practical contextual examples will be linked to either primary or secondary schools, depending on the level of schooling appropriate for participating students.


EDTS418 Secondary Teaching and Classroom Management 1/Field Experience                                10 cp


This unit is designed to introduce the skills necessary to establish and maintain an effective learning environment. The focus is on the essential skills required by the beginning teacher in the classroom, employing a reflective and self-analytical approach. Classroom communication, questioning, explanation, demonstration, discussion, group work, an introduction to effective management and the process of planning learning segments are among specific areas to be included. As this unit incorporates field experience, strong links are established between the theoretical components and classroom practices in school and community settings.


EDTS419 Curriculum Design and Evaluation/FXP                                                                                10 cp


This unit focuses upon extending the student’s professional responsibilities in program development and curriculum processes. The unit is intended to assist students to develop an informed concept of curriculum theory and implementation, particularly in the context of a school community that values Gospel ideals. Program development and evaluation, student assessment and teacher self-reflection, together with contemporary curriculum issues such as outcome-based curriculum planning, student profiling and reporting using performance standards, will be examined. A range of theoretical underpinnings for the teaching and learning process, in conjunction with curriculum perspectives impacting upon the curriculum, will be canvassed through an integration of practical and theoretical experience. The unit is designed to ensure that students have an informed concept of curriculum and curriculum theory, together with the skills to be curriculum designers, implementers and evaluators. The unit introduces students to models of curriculum design and evaluation strategies for curriculum development. Students will collaborate to plan a unit of work which could be implemented and evaluated in the field.


EDTS420 Teaching and Classroom Management/Field Experience                                                     10 cp


Over the course of the year students will develop skills and knowledge essential to the understanding and practice of teaching.


EDTS421 Reflective Classroom Research                                                                                             10 cp


The major purpose of this unit is to help students develop teacher research skills that will enable them to grow professionally. Students will develop their own research foci on the basis of the curricular or learning issues, areas of interest, or areas of concern that they identify. The unit is designed to help students experience the various phases of the action research cycle, and to develop its relevant skills. Students will be encouraged to draw upon their own experiences during class discussion, and to work cooperatively to achieve the targeted outcomes. Emphasis will be given to the utilisation of available classroom information such as formal and informal assessment data as substantial source information for their action research projects.


EDTS423 Teaching, Classroom Management and Curriculum                                                             10 cp


This unit is designed to introduce the skills to establish and maintain an effective learning environment. The focus is on the essential skills required by the beginning teacher in the classroom, employing a reflective and self-analytical approach. Classroom communication, questioning, explanation, demonstration, discussion, cooperative learning, an introduction to effective management and the process of planning learning segments are amongst specific areas to be included.

Leading theorists of classroom management are studied in detail, models of curriculum designed are investigated and the role of the teacher’s partnership with parents is explored. The ethical, professional, legal and policy context of teaching and curriculum provision underpins studies in the unit.