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EDMP700 to EDPA600


EDMP700 Master of Philosophy (F/T)                                                                                                    80 cp


EDMP701 Master of Philosophy (P/T)                                                                                                    80 cp


EDMU101 Creative Arts Education: Music                                                                                             10 cp


This unit is designed to facilitate the students' understanding of the ways in which children perceive, respond to and make music. The unit will assist students to develop music knowledge and skills related to teaching and learning in music education. The unit also examines assumptions held about the nature and value of music in the education of the child and encourages an understanding of the significance of music in a personal, social and cultural context.


EDMU300/408 Music Curriculum and Teaching 1                                                                                  10 cp


This unit of study will enable students to gain an understanding of music content, skills and pedagogy in secondary education. The focus will be on junior secondary music. Students will develop an understanding of current curriculum as reflected in state curriculum documents.


EDMU301/410Music Curriculum and Teaching 2                                                                                   10 cp


This unit of study will enable students to develop an understanding of current trends, music curriculum policies and syllabuses. Work will focus on music education at senior school level with learning areas such as music performance and music styles. Students will be able to extend their abilities in researching, planning, implementing and evaluating music lessons and music programs. Students will encounter issues of music pedagogy pertaining to all areas of secondary schooling.


EDMU408 (see EDMU300) Music Curriculum and Teaching 1                                                                10 cp


EDMU409 Music Curriculum and Teaching 3                                                                                        10 cp


This unit of study will enable students to acquire an understanding of instrumental music and classroom music programs in Secondary Schools. It will enable students to learn about contemporary world systems of secondary music education. This includes information and communications technologies in music. Music and arts education philosophy and policies and syllabuses form part of this unit as well. A focus will be placed on current issues of music education at senior school level with learning areas such as music performance and music styles. Software programs for musical notation and music recording, music pedagogy texts and music for secondary school performances will form part of the program.


EDMU410 (see EDMU301) Music Curriculum and Teaching 2                                                                10 cp


EDMU411 Music Curriculum and Teaching 4                                                                                        10 cp


This study unit will provide a synthesis of school music programs with instrumental music and classroom music programs. The effects of current systems of music education are studied and structures for managing diverse learning situations in music are clarified. Studies in the Dalzcroze and Suzuki method form part of the work and further insights into classroom music, music lesson development at all levels of secondary schooling are provided. Resource development for a schools music program, music class management, as well as organization of school music programs involving ensemble music as well as classroom and individual music lessons form an essential part of this unit.


EDMU412 Music Method A Part 1                                                                                                           5 cp

EDMU413 Music Method A Part 2                                                                                                           5 cp


This unit of study will enable students to develop an understanding of current trends in music education. They will be able to learn about philosophies and policies that underpin music curricula. Work will focus on music education as it emerges in the beginning years of secondary school. The philosophical bases for a variety of contemporary music education approaches are being explored. Studies will also concentrate on the development of music performance and music styles. Students will be able to extend their abilities in researching, planning, implementing and evaluating music lessons and music programs.


EDMU414 Music Method B Part 1                                                                                                           5 cp

EDMU415 Music Method B Part 2                                                                                                           5 cp


This unit will enable students to study contemporary music pedagogy pertaining to all areas of secondary schooling. Appropriate juxtapositions between school music education and community music are illuminated. The work in this unit includes analyses of current arts policies, school policies and practices in music and guidelines by appropriate professional music education organizations. The studies include exploration and analysis of teaching resources for creative music making in the secondary classroom as well as music theory and practice. Orff Approach and Kodaly system are studied. There will be an appropriate focus on the study of music and music education requirements at Victorian Certificate of Education level.


EDMU501 Introduction to Orff Music and Movement Education                                                            10 cp


This unit offers an introduction to Orff music education. Participants encounter the beginnings of the Orff process for teaching of the elements of music. They will practice models of music for children ranging from early examples by Carl Orff and Gunild Keetmann to contemporary models of Orff’s followers. Skills pertaining to active group music making are introduced. Participants work with the various media used in the Orff approach to music education and will experience hands on ways to successfully lead music activities with a variety of populations.


EDMU502 Developing the Music Curriculum using the Orff Process                                                     10 cp


This unit facilitates the students' skills and knowledge pertaining to the development of the music curriculum for a particular population. An emphasis is placed on musical concepts and how these can be taught through active music making using exploration, imitation and improvisation techniques. In this unit the focus is on creating and making of music for early childhood and primary school. Participants will practice musical leadership, improvisation and will also further their musicianship into previously unknown fields. The unit offers an introduction to sequentially organised music curricula.


EDMU503 Implementation and Evaluation with the Orff Approach                                                      10 cp


This unit is designed to enhance the students' understanding of music pedagogy. The focus of this unit is on musical leadership and sequential and flexible process of music teaching. The relationship between group music performance and the creative process of improvisation and exploration is studied in depth and practiced. Students will further develop the ability to plan and teach a wide range of lessons within the music curriculum in schools and community settings. Confidence and competence in areas such as music lesson planning and implementing music classes and evaluation of music classes will be further extended.


EDMU504 The Orff Approach in School and Community Settings                                                        10 cp


This unit focuses on resource development and positive leadership in education using the Orff approach. Students will study a wide variety of music examples for use in the community, in school settings, in private studios, and other contexts such as the therapeutic situation. Study and practice will focus on structures and musical content for various populations. Classes comprise a survey of existing resources and methods. Knowledge and skills of media, process and philosophy of the Orff approach is intensified. Students will be able to develop a confident and competent stance in musical leadership. They will also strengthen their musicianship skills, their sensibilities in musical improvisation and their abilities to compose and choreograph their own music for children.


EDMU505 Orff Music Education Research Project                                                                                20 cp


Participants will be able to deepen their understanding of Orff music education through a literature search, background reading and research. They will investigate existing music programs in schools, community settings, parishes or the music industry. Participants are required to investigate a research problem of significance to music education.


EDMU506 Orff Music Education Leadership                                                                                          10 cp


Participants will be able to extend their understanding of musical leadership using the Orff approach to music education. All aspects of musical leadership including guided exploration, creating of music and dance as well as leading groups with presentation, improvisation and composition to an understanding of music language are developed further.


EDMU507 Orff Music Education Field Study                                                                                         10 cp


This unit offers students an opportunity to implement theoretical and practical components of the Orff approach in the field. Students will devise group music lessons for selected populations. Intensive and constructive feedback will be offered.


EDPA100 Pastoral Care 1                                                                                                                     10 cp


This unit explores the educational, theological and gospel principles of pastoral care; the place of pastoral care as seen in recent church documents; the role and function of the Catholic school in relation to church, home and wider community and the ways in which members of the school staff might respond to the needs of students. A critical knowledge of support services available and explicit and implicit elements of pastoral care are considered.


EDPA600 Pastoral Care                                                                                                                        10 cp


In this unit students will be encouraged to critically examine and evaluate the principles, theories, skills and models of pastoral care and to develop an understanding of the principles of design, implementation and evaluation of pastoral care programs.