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THEO419 to THEO567


THEO419 Research Methods Seminar                                                                                                  10 cp

Prerequisites Entry into BTheol(Hons)

Teaching Organisation This unit will be team-taught, presented through lectures and seminars for the equivalent of 24 contact hours.


This unit is designed for students to prepare for advanced research in the discipline area of their proposed thesis, yet in a context of familiarity both with the methods of the other major disciplines of theology (Biblical Studies, Patristics and Church History, Systematic Theology and Moral Theology), and with the methods of practical theology in its cross-disciplinary concerns. The students will be involved, therefore, in scholarly exercises to highlight the intrinsic demands of their own chosen discipline and the rich interdisciplinary and cross-disciplinary context in which their research may be conducted in the University.

THEO420 Special Studies in Theology 1                                                                                              10 cp

Prerequisites Entry into BTheol(Hons)

Teaching Organisation Lectures and seminars.


Students will have the opportunity to explore in depth either a classical theological text or a substantial contemporary work. Texts are to be chosen from one of the following discipline areas: biblical studies, patristics and church history, systematic, moral, or practical theology.

THEO421 Special Studies in Theology 2                                                                                              10 cp

Prerequisites Entry into BTheol(Hons)

Teaching Organisation Lectures, seminars, discussions and student presentations.


The examination of a key theological theme (Creation, Revelation, Salvation, Liberation) and/or specific moral or ethical question (global poverty, work, care for environment, the family, forgiveness) in an interdisciplinary mode. The choice of theme or question will be made in consultation with the lecturer(s) concerned and will normally reflect the research interests of both the student and staff member.

THEO501/664 Approaching World Religions                                                                                         10 cp

Prerequisites Nil

Teaching Organisation 2 hours per week for 12 weeks or equivalent. The unit may be offered on-campus and online.


The course includes the history of the churches’ approach to other faiths; the changes in missionary approaches and attempts at new definitions; the problems of speaking about religion and comparing religions; how matters of truth affect religious identify and interreligous communication; the categories of exclusivism, inclusivism and pluralism; local and global theologies; doctrine and experience, Word and spirit; dialogue and ethics.

THEO502/694 Biblical Studies                                                                                                              10 cp

Prerequisites Nil

Teaching Organisation 2 hours per week for 12 weeks or equivalent. The unit may be offered on-campus and online.


This unit is designed to introduce students to an informed critical reading of the biblical text as sacred scripture. Its aim is to enable students to broaden and deepen their engagement with the Bible as sacred scripture in a spirit of open and critical inquiry by drawing on a wide range of exegetical tools of interpretation.

THEO507/673 Christian Morality                                                                                                           10 cp

Prerequisites Nil

Teaching Organisation 2 hours per week for 12 weeks or equivalent. The unit may be offered on-campus and online.

An introduction to the sources, concepts, and areas of debate in the field of Christian morality in the Catholic tradition. The implications of Christian morality for practical issues such as bioethics, environmental ethics, social justice, sexuality and family are examined.

THEO514/661 Christian Life and Thought to 590CE                                                                               10 cp

Prerequisites Nil

Teaching Organisation 2 hours per week for 12 weeks or equivalent. The unit may be offered on-campus and online.


This unit introduces students to the Christian world of the first six centuries. It sketches the historical and cultural background in interaction with which the thought and practice of the Christian movement took shape.

THEO528/662 Foundations in Liturgy                                                                                                    10 cp

Prerequisites Nil

Teaching Organisation 2 hours per week for 12 weeks or equivalent. The unit may be offered on-campus and online.


This unit introduces the Vatican II liturgy, the liturgy documents, the languages of the liturgy, and the theological principles which govern liturgical celebration and religious assembly. Basic structures and forms of liturgy, and requirements for effective liturgical celebration are given attention.

THEO542/663 Theology of Church                                                                                                        10 cp

Prerequisites Nil

Teaching Organisation 2 hours per week for 12 weeks or equivalent. The unit may be offered on-campus and online.


This unit explores the ecclesial tradition of the Church from New Testament to modern times. It introduces students to the relevant historical, social and theological contexts and themes of Catholic ecclesiology and highlights the insights of the Second Vatican Council. Students are provided with the opportunity of exploring contemporary ecclesial issues with regard to the local and universal Church from an ecumenical perspective.

THEO543/611 Theology of Sacraments                                                                                                 10 cp

Prerequisites Nil

Teaching Organisation 2 hours per week for 12 weeks or equivalent.   The unit may be offered on-campus and online.


This unit introduces students to the semiological nature of the sacraments, symbol, ritual and myth. It examines the sacramental dimension of life and the dimensions of religious sacraments. It explores the historical development of sacramental theology and studies contemporary theologies of the sacraments. The unit goes on to examine the sacramental rites.

THEO555/660 Jesus the Christ                                                                                                              10 cp

Prerequisites Nil

Teaching Organisation 2 hours per week for 12 weeks or equivalent The unit may be offered on-campus and online.


In this unit students will consider the significance of Jesus Christ in today’s cultural context. The unit begins with the New Testament witness to Jesus, his work and mission, and then investigates the emergence of christological confessions and creeds in the early Church. In the context of the history of christological reflection a number of current christologies are examined.

THEO556/667 Theology of the Human Person                                                                                      10 cp

Prerequisites Nil

Teaching Organisation 2 hours per week for 12 weeks or equivalent The unit may be offered on-campus and online.


This unit explores the origin and destiny of the human person in the light of the ambiguity of the human condition: created in the image of God and in view of Christ, the need of the human person for the grace of Christ and the relationship of human persons to the divine and to the world. The unit goes on to examine the Christian person as a member of a community of believers and the relationship of this community to the wider society and culture.

THEO558/695 Foundations of Christian Faith                                                                                        10 cp

Prerequisites Nil

Teaching Organisation 2 hours per week for 12 weeks or equivalent. The unit may be offered on-campus and online.


This unit will introduce students to the study of Catholic theology. It explores the foundational perspectives of the Christian tradition in relation to God, Jesus, Church and sacraments and seeks to encourage students to critically reflect on religious faith as practiced in a diverse and pluralistic world.

THEO562 Introducing the Scriptures                                                                                                    10 cp

Prerequisites Nil

Teaching Organisation 2 contact hours per week for 12 weeks or equivalent. This may include lectures, seminars, student presentations, small group work and other appropriate activities.


This unit engages students in an introductory exploration of the Bible within its historical and cultural contexts. It introduces students to the principles and processes of Catholic biblical interpretation and provides a foundation for understanding the Scriptures in the life of the Church.

THEO563 Introducing Theology                                                                                                            10 cp

Prerequisites Nil

Teaching Organisation  2 contact hours per week for 12 weeks or equivalent. This may include lectures, seminars, student presentations, small group work, and other appropriate activities.


In this unit students will be invited to reflect on the human search for meaning and purpose. Within that context they will examine some of the major beliefs of the Christian faith, particularly as those beliefs have been articulated in Catholic tradition.

THEO564 Introducing Church Life                                                                                                        10 cp

Prerequisites Nil

Teaching Organisation 2 contact hours per week for 12 weeks or equivalent. This may include lectures, seminars, student presentations, small group work, and other appropriate activities.


This unit provides a theological framework to develop a coherent understanding of the Catholic tradition in its communal, sacramental, liturgical and moral dimensions.

THEO567 Catholic Ethos and Social Teaching                                                                                     10 cp

Prerequisites Nil

Teaching organisation 2 hours per week for 12 weeks or equivalent.


This unit introduces students to questions of identity and mission in Catholic service agencies. It explores the transformative work of faith based agencies in the light of their mission and their partnership with the Church. The practices of the agencies are explored and examined in the light of Catholic social teaching as it has been applied in the various fields of human services in Australia.