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HIST200 to HIST228


HIST200 Ancient Rome 133BC - AD14                                                                                                   10 cp

Prerequisites One History unit at introductory (100) level

Teaching Organisation 3 hours per week of lectures and tutorials


This unit is a study of Roman social and political history from the Gracchi to the death of the first emperor, Augustus. Subject areas to be examined include the career of Pompey, the activities of the first and second triumvirates, the changing status of the Senate and non-Romans, the dictatorship of Julius Caesar, the civil war, the career of Octavian/Augustus and the changes brought about with the beginning of imperial rule.

HIST201 Global Approaches to Women’s History                                                                                 10 cp

Prerequisites One History unit at introductory (100) level or1 Women’s Studies unit at introductory (100) level

Teaching Organisation 3 hours per week for 12 weeks or equivalent of lectures and seminars.


This unit examines the changing historical experiences and status of women in a global and comparative framework from ancient to recent times. The unit aims to build a sense of women’s experience in different regions such as Africa, Asia, Europe and the Americas. Specific case studies will be used among traditional and colonial societies in Africa and Asia and in ancient and medieval Europe as well as the effect of industrialisation on women in both America and Europe. Students will draw together a comparative feminist critique from these specific case studies.

HIST202 The Ancient Near East                                                                                                            10 cp

Prerequisites One History unit at introductory (100) level

Teaching Organisation 3 hours per week of lecture(s) and tutorials.


This unit introduces and analyses the social, cultural and religious institutions of a number of Near Eastern civilisations. Specific areas covered include Mesopotamia, the ‘cradle’ of civilisation, Assyrian imperialism, Persian administration and religion propaganda, and a number of issues and personalities associated with the Old and New Kingdoms of Ancient Egypt.

HIST204 Australian Family History                                                                                                       10 cp

Prerequisites Australian Studies major/minor: 1 Australian Studies unit at introductory (100) level

Women’s Studies major/minor: 1 Women’s Studies unit at introductory (100) level

Teaching Organisation Lectures, audio–visuals, seminars, tutorials. An excursion to Richmond Villa (Society of Australian Genealogists), the State Archives and/or the State Library.


This unit provides grounding in the principles of genealogy and genealogical research, personal names and their meanings and the basic elements of heraldry, with particular reference to Australia. Students will complete a major project on their own family.

HIST205 Australian Social History                                                                                                        10 cp

Prerequisites One History unit at introductory (100) level

Teaching Organisation 3 hours per week for 12 weeks or equivalent of lectures and seminar–type tutorials.


This unit enables students to follow up survey units in Australian history by deeper study of specialised fields in social history, relating this to recent developments in Australian historiography. Topics may be chosen from urbanisation, gender relations, sport, Aboriginal history, immigration and war.

HIST206 Comparative History of Immigrant Peoples                                                                            10 cp

Prerequisites History major/minor: 1 History unit at introductory (100) level

Teaching Organisation There will be 3 hours of lectures and tutorials per week.


This unit involves a broad global and comparative exploration of the patterns of migration and the histories of immigrant peoples, especially in modern times. Case studies will be done to analyse the variety of diverse and similar patterns of migration, in particular the Jewish diaspora, the Atlantic slave trade and the making of Black America and the Chinese overseas in southeast Asia and the Pacific islands; drawing patterns of comparative understanding; exploring issues of historical sources and ways of interpretation.

HIST208 European Fascism, 1870 – 1945                                                                                              10 cp

Prerequisites One History unit at introductory (100) level

Teaching Organisation 1x 1½ hour lecture and 1x 1½ hour tutorial per week.


Examines the phenomenon of European Fascism, which was a dominating force in European history from the mid-1920s through to 1945. It will also study centres of resistance to the Fascist regimes. The reappearance of various forms of European fascism in the post war years will also be considered. The unit will also study the historiography of European Fascism (ca. 1930-1990), thus enabling students to enhance their skill in critical analysis of primary and secondary sources and historical methodology.

HIST209 Germany, 1866-1945                                                                                                               10 cp

Prerequisites One History unit at introductory (100) level

Teaching Organisation 3 hours per week for 12 weeks or equivalent of lectures and seminars.


This unit will trace the history of Germany commencing with the ascendancy of Prussia in the German Confederation and the subsequent unification of Germany under Bismarck in 1871. It will then focus on the domestic and foreign policies of Imperial Germany including its war aims during the Great War. It then examines Germany’s attempt to establish a Republic after the defeat of 1918. The dictatorship of Adolf Hitler will then be examined. Attention will be focused on the various historiographical debates concerning Nazi Germany including the more recent ones concerning the Holocaust.

HIST210 European Expansion 1500-1800                                                                                              10 cp

Prerequisites One History unit at introductory (100) level

Teaching Organisation Three hours of lectures and tutorials per week.


This unit examines European expansion from 1500 to 1800 in the context of central developments in Europe in that period, including the various aspects of early Modern Europe which gave it the power to dominate much of the world at that time. It focuses on the impact of European colonisation and contact with societies in Asia and the Americas. The unit will conclude with an examination of the American War of Independence and its implications for the British Empire in particular and America’s relationship with Europe in general.

HIST211 Modern China                                                                                                                        10 cp

Prerequisites One Asian Studies or History unit at introductory (100) level

Teaching Organisation Total of 36 hours of lectures and tutorials.


This unit will provide students with an understanding of the Chinese past over the last 200 years and will build upon the introductory units. It aims to provide a specific China focus within the discipline of History.

HIST212 Modern Japan                                                                                                                        10 cp

Prerequisites One Asian Studies or History unit at introductory (100) level

Teaching Organisation Total of 36 hours of lectures and tutorials.


This unit will provide students with an understanding of the Japanese past over the last 300 years. Beginning at the Tokugawa shogunate, the unit will trace the transformation of Japan through the Meiji restoration and up to the Second World War and the post-war Japanese “economic miracle” and social change.

HIST213 Pacific History                                                                                                                        10 cp

Prerequisites One History unit at introductory (100) level

Teaching Organisation 3 hours per week for 12 weeks or equivalent of lectures, tutorials and seminars.


This unit covers the history of the peoples of Polynesia, Melanesia and Micronesia. It surveys the origins of Pacific peoples, pre-colonial societies, European intrusion, indigenous responses to strangers, trade and religious interactions, labour recruiting and indenture, patterns of colonial rule, responses to colonialism and change in Pacific island societies, pathways to independence, and the economic, social, ethnic political and environmental issues facing independent Pacific nations.

HIST214 Immigrants in Australian History                                                                                            10 cp

Prerequisites One Australian Studies unit at introductory (100) level or 1 History unit at introductory (100) level

Teaching Organisation 3 hours of lectures and tutorials per week.


Explores some of the background contexts both overseas and in Australia which stimulated different phases and stages of migration history. A framework is built for studying patterns of interaction and change which developed in different regions of Australia from the impact of immigrants. Case studies are established for the variety of patterns which developed at different stages of Australia’s history of migration. Sources and forms of argument in historical inquiry are examined.

HIST215 Later Modern Europe                                                                                                             10 cp

Prerequisites One History unit at introductory (100) level

Teaching Organisation 3 hours of lectures and tutorials per week


This unit will study Europe between 1789 and 1945. It will include a critical understanding of the development of European liberalism and the movements for parliamentary democracy in Europe and the development of the “German problem” in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries. The development and impact of the Industrial Revolution in the Nineteenth Century and the significance of the secularisation of the European Mind in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries will also be considered. The causes of the Two World Wars and the rise Fascism will also be covered.

HIST216 Medieval Europe                                                                                                                    10 cp

Prerequisites One History unit at introductory (100) level

Teaching Organisation Three hours per week of lectures and tutorials.


This unit involves the study and analysis of the period generally known as the ‘Middle Ages’; that is, from the breakdown of the Roman Empire to the early Renaissance. It examines the social, economic, cultural, political and religious developments and tensions within an emerging Europe from the end of the Roman Empire around 450 AD to the eve of the Renaissance around 1450 AD.

HIST218 Women in Australian History                                                                                                  10 cp

Prerequisites One Australian Studies, History or Women’s Studies unit at introductory (100) level

Teaching Organisation 3 hours of lectures and tutorials per week.


This unit involves the study of the establishment of a broad historical sense of the changing experience and status of women in Aboriginal Australia before European settlement, and through colonial and modern times in a variety of cultural and ethnic contexts. It builds a sense of women's experience in both Aboriginal and white Australia. Specific case studies in different cultural, social, economic and other settings in Australia are used, and students will draw together a comparative feminist critique from these specific case studies. The unit also explores issues of historical sources approaches, including oral history and ways of interpretation.

HIST219 History and Cultures of Southeast Asia                                                                                  10 cp

Prerequisites One Asian Studies or History unit at introductory (100) level

Teaching Organisation Total of 36 hours of lectures and tutorials.


This unit builds upon the foundation of the introductory units with the aim of providing more detailed case studies of the specific experience of Southeast Asian nations from the colonial to the post-colonial era. It will consider cultural, social, economic and political change.

HIST222 Ancient Greece 750BC – 404BC                                                                                              10 cp

Prerequisites One History unit at introductory (100) level

Teaching Organisation Three hours per week of lectures and tutorials.


This unit involves a survey of the history of Athens and Sparta, examining their early independent affairs and their subsequent inter–dependence that culminated in the surrender of Athens to Sparta in 404 BC. Subject areas to be studied include the development of social and political systems in Sparta and Athens in the seventh and sixth centuries BC, the Persian Wars, the growth of Athenian influence through the Delian league, and the Peloponnesian War and its repercussions.

HIST224 Rise of the United States                                                                                                        10 cp

Prerequisites One History unit at introductory (100) level

Teaching Organisation A combination of two one hour lectures and a one hour.


This unit traces the development of the United States from a small world power at the end of the Civil War until its emergence as a modern superpower. Studies include the changing nature of federal/state power relations, the emergence of the modern presidency and the roles of gender and race in shaping modern American society.

HIST225 US Foreign Policy Since 1945                                                                                                10 cp

Prerequisites One History unit at introductory (100) level

Teaching Organisation A combination of two one hour lectures and a one hour tutorial.


This unit traces the development of the foreign policy of the United States from the end of World War II through the Cold War and into the post- 11 September 2001 era.

HIST226 Contemporary World History                                                                                                  10 cp

Prerequisites One History unit at introductory (100) level

Teaching Organisation Total of 36 hours of lectures and tutorials.


This unit will survey of the ethnic, social, political, religious, economic and technological forces which have shaped the contemporary world, with particular emphasis on the post-Second World war period. Students will examine such issues as the technological and “green” revolutions, the rise of nationalism and the break-up of European colonial empires in Africa, Asia and the Pacific, the emergence of the developing countries, urbanisation patterns throughout the world, ethnic and religious conflict, the rise of militant Islam and globalisation. Case studies will be used, such as Indo-China and the Middle East.

HIST227 Human Rights in History                                                                                                         10 cp

Prerequisites One History at introductory (100) level

Teaching Organisation Lectures, tutorials and/or workshops.


This unit examines the historical significance of the global search for social justice and human rights. Debates about Human Rights now play vital roles in the international conversations on trade, diplomacy, and peace. The search for social justice is recognised as impinging on the economic, social and political development of every nation. While focussing primarily on questions raised by events in the last 100 years, the unit will explore the evolution of notions of equality and the search for human dignity since the eighteenth century.

HIST228 Australian Popular Culture                                                                                                     10 cp

Prerequisites One History or Australian Studies unit at introductory (100) level

Teaching Organisation Lectures, weekly seminars, films, videos, visits.


This unit raises fundamental questions and analysing aspects of popular culture in Australia, examining such matters as sport, leisure, “popular” arts, media and entertainment, humour and social rituals. It is designed to examine how general principles of popular cultural formation are manifested within Australia and analyses the production and maintenance of such cultures. The focus is on the ‘ordinary’, the sum of practices as well as the ideas constituting a people’s way of life.